Office-Logic InterChange FAQ’s
If your question could not be answered by one of the FAQ’s, please contact Technical Support.
Is there a difference between the 30-day trial and the production version of Office-Logic InterChange?
There is NO difference between the 30-day trial and the production version of Office-Logic InterChange. In fact, you will not lose any e-mail or data that was processed during your 30-day trial once you purchase Office-Logic InterChange. When purchased, you will not have to re-install Office-Logic InterChange, you will simply enter Activation Code(s) to serialize your 30-day trial into a production version.
Do I need to define my users in Office-Logic InterChange?
If your company is running our Office-Logic Groupware e-mail and scheduling client, then you do not have to define your users in Office-Logic InterChange. Office-Logic InterChange will automatically define all your Office-Logic Groupware users as LOGIC users within Office-Logic InterChange.
If your users will be defined as Local Users, then they will need to be defined under the Configure\Users/Domains option on the Office-Logic InterChange server.
How do I install my Office-Logic InterChange serial number(s)?
From the Office-Logic InterChange server, go to the Configure\License menu. Click on the “Add License” button and enter your activation code(s) one at a time. Enter your company name in the “License To:” field, and click on the “OK” button to save.
How does the White ListChallenge Response method work at fighting SPAM?
When an inbound message is received by Office-Logic InterChange, and before the message is delivered to the local user, Office-Logic InterChange will verify that the senders e-mail address is listed in either the local users White List, Personal Address Book, or Global Address Book.
If the senders e-mail address is listed, then their message will be delivered immediately to the local users Inbox. If the senders e-mail address is not listed in the local users White List, Personal Address Book, or Global Address Book, then the message gets stored in a DETAINED folder in the users mailbox. Office-Logic InterChange will then send a Challenge Message back to the sender that includes a link to verify their address and release their message to your local user. When the sender selects the link in their Challenge Message, their original message is released from the local users DETAINED folder into their Inbox. The senders e-mail address is then automatically added to the local users White List. Each sender has to verify their address only once per local user, and your administrator and local users do not have to do anything if they don’t want to.
If the sender does not release their message, which automated Junk Mail services will not have the capability or resources to do, then the message is automatically deleted from the local users DETAINED folder after a configured number of days (default is 10 days).
How often does Office-Logic InterChange check for new virus definitions?
Office-Logic InterChange automatically checks for new virus definitions every three (3) hours. Virus definition updates are included for the first year after the initial purchase of Office-Logic InterChange, and for customers on a current Updates, Support & Enhancement (USE) Agreement.
If you do not have a current USE Agreement for your Office-Logic InterChange, or would like to verify the status of your USE Agreement, then please contact our Sales department.
For more information on Office-Logic InterChange USE Agreements, please visit our USE Agreement page.
Do I need to define my users in Office-Logic InterChange?
If your company is running our Office-Logic Groupware e-mail and scheduling client, then you do not have to define your users in Office-Logic InterChange. Office-Logic InterChange will automatically define all your Office-Logic Groupware users as LOGIC users within Office-Logic InterChange.
If your users will be defined as Local Users, then they will need to be defined under the Configure\Users/Domains option on the Office-Logic InterChange server.
How does the Gray List technology work at fighting SPAM?
The Gray List feature depends on increasing the cost of junkmail mail delivery by taking advantage of the current behavior of most “junkmail servers” in that they don’t retry delivery of messages to servers that refuse the connection. Each time a particular sender attempts delivery to a particular recipient from a particular IP address range, Office-Logic InterChange looks for the “triplet” of information in its database. If it is the first attempt, it will be added to the database and the sending server will be given a “451 Server busy. Please try again later.” message and the attempt terminated. On the second attempt, if it is found to fall within the time window (i.e., more than 59 seconds and less than 4 hours) the message will be delivered. If it tries too quickly (i.e., less than 59 seconds) it will be again rejected as “early” or too late (i.e., more than 4 hours) it will be rejected as “late”. Once the triplet is allowed to deliver a message, it will continue to be allowed unless there is no further attempts for more than 36 days. In which case the process will begin again.
While this mechanism doesn’t stop all junkmail and it does cause an initial delay (the amount is dependent on the sending servers operation), it has proven to be very effective at stopping a substantial amount of junkmail.
How can I force my cell phone to use smaller WML pages when accessing WebMail?
- Put Office-Logic InterChange into verbose mode by selecting Configure\Options and checking the Verbose Mode option located on the General tab menu.
- From your phone, browse to your Office-Logic InterChange WebMail Login screen.
- From Office-Logic InterChange, select the Logs\Activity Log option and search for where the phone requests a web page.
As an example:
10:00:20 6C8D WEB connection from
10:00:20 6C8D WEB GET / HTTP/1.1
10:00:20 6C8D host:
10:00:20 6C8D Accept-Language: en
10:00:20 6C8D User-Agent: MOT-1.2.2/11.03 UP.Browser/4.1.25i UP.Link/
10:00:20 6C8D Agent=UP.Browser,
- Look on the User-Agent line for a keyword you would like to use to distinguish your phone. In the above example, UP.Browser or MOT-1.2.2
- Using Windows Notepad, edit the BROWSER.INI which is located in your Office-Logic InterChange default directory (i.e. C:\INTER). Add the phone keyword from the User-Agent line to the BOTTOM of the list under [Templates], along with the DEFAULT template to use.
As an example:
- Add a new section (at the bottom of the file) that contains your phone keyword that you defined under the [Templates] header, and a WML=Yes setting.
As an example:
- Save your changes to the BROWSER.INI file.
- Test your phone and take Office-Logic InterChange out of Verbose mode.
Will having a backup secondary mail server DNS entry improve redundancy for receiving mail?
Absolutely not! Having a “backup” server will increase the amount of junkmail you receive tremendously without providing much in the way of redundancy. With only Office-Logic InterChange as the mail server, when it is not available, the sending server will queue the mail and retry for 72 hours. Most mail servers, including Office-Logic InterChange, return a message to the sender in some reasonable period of time (usually about 4-, 24-, and 48-hours) informing the sender that it could not deliver mail. If, at the end of the 72 hours, the mail server is still not available, it will return a message to the sender so they know you didn’t get it. This avoids them assuming you got it and are just ignoring them. With the secondary server somewhere else, the sender makes the reasonable assumption, your server received the message and therefore you received it.
The secondary server (lower priority MX record) is used by a lot of junkmail servers as the primary target for messages to a domain because they know that most secondary servers are less protected than the primary, or use store-and-forward to deliver messages. This process will bypass the Grey List and White List\Challenge response SPAM filtering technology that is built into Office-Logic InterChange, therefore allowing more SPAM messages to make it to your users.