Terms, Policies, and Conditions

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Product Return Policy

LAN-ACES, Inc. does not accept any product returns. All of our products can be installed and tested as a 30-day trial before purchasing. If you are not sure of the product, download it first, run it as a 30-day trial, and test it. Once you purchase the product, and receive the registration number, the purchase is final.

Competitive Upgrade Pricing discount on end-user prices of Office-Logic, providing a competitive product is owned that has the same amount of users and is a paid product. e.g. Microsoft Outlook Express can not be used for the competitive upgrade but MS Exchange Server CALs can be upgraded. Competitive product must have been purchased within the last 2 years. Special consideration will be given to Right Hand Man, Futurus Team, and older versions of Office-Logic.

Product Support Without A Current USE Agreement

On all products an Updates, Support & Enhancement (USE) Agreement is highly recommended. This will give you free software updates, as well as support during office hours. Technical support and product updates are free for the first year after initial purchase of the product. After that first year, we will offer ONE Support incident at $150 per hour for clients without a current USE Agreement. Note that some issues may require an update to resolve and such resolution will require a USE Agreement. LAN-ACES, Inc. reserves the right to decline work on problems that we determine to be related to third party products. *Standard phone and email support during office hours. USE Agreement costs vary by product and number of licenses. The minimum USE Agreement fee is $125 per year.

General Terms

Dealer\Reseller pricing on request. LAN-ACES, Inc. reserves the right to change pricing without prior notice. Previous price lists no longer apply. Dealers\Resellers that fail to pay invoices by the due date will forfeit all discounts and other considerations. LAN-ACES, Inc. also reserves the right to apply a 25% surcharge on all invoices that are more than 30 days past due.

LAN-ACES, Inc. requires that Dealers\Resellers purchase LAN-ACES products for new customers, within a 12 month period, in order to receive their Dealer Discount and NFR pricing. Failure to enlist new customers to LAN-ACES products within a 12 month period could result in the removal from our Dealer program. Please contact Sales if there are any questions, or if you would like to find out how to be reinstated as a LAN-ACES Dealer. LAN-ACES, Inc. also reserves the right to remove a Dealer\Reseller from our program for any reason that we feel is detrimental to LAN-ACES, Inc. or its customers.